Knots used: DHH, overhand knot
Fold one string in half and make a DHH.
Tighten the DHH...
Add a string to one side with overhand knot, and add an extra loop to each side.
Add another string on the other side in the same way.
Add another string on the left side the same way as the last two step, and for the right side, add one single string with DHH.
Use strings on the right side as holding cords and make DHH's.
We are going to utilize the stitches on the back.
Add a string of another color through the 2nd and 3rd stitches.
Turn it over, and take another string of the second color, use it as the working cord, and make 4 DHH's. For each of the middle two DHH's, use both strings marked by the silly little triangles.
And it should look like this.
To close up the two little domes of the heart, on each side, cross over the outer two strings and use them as the holding cords. Tie DHH's with the inner two strings.
As for the other dome, use only strings of the second color to tie the DHH's.
Pull tight the crossed over holding cords. Add other strings through the back stitches if desired. Cut and treat all the loose ends, and you have a little heart!
I imagine this would make nice earrings, or maybe a little ring. ? Have fun!